I went for the most basic probe. It's my first time measuring and collecting river/water data. I'll be in charge of measuring the Portneuf's temperature this week.
Good job Darcy! It was interesting to take data from all the different locations last year so I'm glad you will be doing the same this year. I think you will be pleased with what you learn this week and I can't wait to see some of your fabulous photography on your blog:)
I'm looking forward to seeing
I'm looking forward to seeing you collect data this week!
@Edson Fichter and today's Portneuf River temperature is 17.1* C. Spied a small crustacean, as well(too speedy for a photo).
Citizen Scientist!
Good job Darcy! It was interesting to take data from all the different locations last year so I'm glad you will be doing the same this year. I think you will be pleased with what you learn this week and I can't wait to see some of your fabulous photography on your blog:)