Just a Few Things to Watch Out For

Submitted by Rebecca Jackson on Thu, 2017-06-08 00:00

Today we had the opportunity to visit 2 ponds located in McCammon at the O'Neill Bioreserve. There were plenty of fauna and flora to see or capture and record into iNaturalist. Some were not so human friendly items. We found cactus, tics, ants, poison ivy and trees with thorns that like to grab your hair, but, we still had a fabulous time out there! For future reference, if you ever happen to brush against big sagebrush with ants on it that bite, just find some yarrow and rub it on to take the sting out. Also, if one of those trees wants your hair, your probably in for a fight and the tree will get some of it anyway.


Josh Nielsen's picture

Love that little plant. Great pics. Didn't know the biodiversity place existed. A good part of education is simply making people aware. Thanks for sharing.