Water, Water Everywhere...only because of management!

Submitted by Erin Harris on Tue, 2017-07-11 00:00

Where would our valley be without watershed management?  Well, we probably wouldn't exist as a community!  After learning the history of Arthur Foote's vision of the valley and then touring the diversion dam, I have a greater appreciation of the importance of irrigation.  I am an avid gardener and use irrigation water daily during the summer to irrigate my "crop".  The water I use is only available due to the teamwork of many agencies and individuals working collectively to meet the needs of the valley's citizens.  The management practices have a scope far greater than I could have imagined!  



Casey Weissenbach's picture

I think that because I've lived in the Treasure Valley all my life it's easy for me to forget just what a complex system water management is! It's such a large area and so many living things (crops as well as animals) rely on an efficient system. I can't imagine where we would be without the forward thinking and planning of people like Arthur Foote. Thanks for sharing!