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Thursday assignment: Water and Growth!
I found the video Water and Growth particular interesting since I used to live in the Boise Valley! When My husband and I drive through there now a lot of the farmland is now sub division or business parks. It is interesting to see what kind of land and water management is happening and will they run out of water or land due to the growing population or will they manage the growth to preserve both. I'm interested in Bangshuai Han study and how or if the law makers will use his data to make decisions for the future.
The Portneuf River Claims: "People are hard to love"
Politicians make decisions about the government. Auto designers make decisions about future automobiles, Art critics tell us what is “good” and “bad” art. Scientists make decisions about my environment. Wait… environment? The trees? The birds? The Portneuf River?
The Portneuf River isn’t hard to love. The people who changed it and fail to care for it are. (the river ripples told me so).
I think the general public feels that they are without a voice in many decisions concerning their “environments”; unless you are an expert in a certain field, your opinion goes... more
Water gold
I think water as a resource in the coming years is going to be a hot topic people all over the western United States are now realizing that water might not be a renewable resource as once thought the ideas of over in Boise with the growth rate that they're seeing and the availability of water is going to become a problem. The continued use of aquifers to get fresh drinking water to people in the bigger cities is going to Use them at a rate faster than what they're going to be replenished. You are going to have to find different ways solve issues to create fresh drinking water for people... more
Water and Idaho
Water has always been the life blood for the citizens of the State of Idaho. From the time the settlers made this state home, specifically the Snake River Valley, water has been used to feed families, irrigate vegetation, provide recreation while protecting the resources in the water. The study being done by the GeoScience department at Boise State is very important work. Without this important data being analyzed by all stakeholders we cannot make important decisions about future growth and how it impacts our most precious resource, water. My grandfather was very much involved in the... more
"A Hard River to Love"
When we first moved to Pocatello, we tried recreating on the Portneuf River. Hannah Sanger's statment that it is "A hard river to love" rang true with me. There are some very scenic stretches, however, others are difficult to absorb. It soon became clear to me that the river was seen as something to be conquered, controlled, and contained rather than something to coexist with. I am optomistic with regards to the future of the Portneuf and how we can improve our social health by opening the box that currently contains much of the river as it moves through town.
MILES Impact
Education and experiential activities are the best ways MILES is and will continue to impact how the citizens of Idaho manage their wonderful resources. Resources used by different user groups for different, but equally important uses. There is always a cost to us, the environment, future generations. We educate ourselves first and then others and put in place policies that benefit both ourselves and the environment. They are not mutually exclusive, but are often treated as such. A farmer farms for many reasons. Number one: income. He has to feed his family. Convince him/her of better... more