Thursday's Assignment: the impact of MILES

Submitted by Eric Rude on Thu, 2017-06-01 00:00

I think that the MILES projects that will have the biggest impacts on Idaho are all that relate to education, at all different levels. The Adventure Learning program will encourage teachers, possibly from kindergarten through high school, touch generations of Idaho citizens. The projects that involve undergraduate and graduate students will prepare future scientists so that they are better able to educate the public. Plus, as shown in the videos, MILES is already working with the non-scientist public, getting them involved in making decisions about Idaho’s ecosystems.


This last step is extremely important. For many people in Idaho, from sportsmen to ranchers to agriculturalists, the feeling is that we are told what to do with our resources, that some scientists and politicians in Washington, D.C., are making decisions for us. The only way to really make a difference in protecting Idaho is to involve Idahoans.




Josh Nielsen's picture

Hello Eric. I couldn't agree more with your comments. 

smitrose's picture

The workshop will allow us to explore the decision-making process, which involves all levels of governments, from individuals, city, state, and Federal.  The Portneuf watershed is a great exemplar!