Calling all the best science minds in Bannock County...

Submitted by Laureen Kinnaman on Fri, 2017-06-09 00:00

For a while now I have contemplated designing a "native plants garden" on campus at Irving Middle School. Since it's difficult to take my almost-200 students on a field trip, an on-campus native plants garden would be a great way to teach them about local flora. Have any of you ever been involved with a project like this? Suggstions? Ideas? Help?

Thank you in advance!


Tia Talbot's picture

I do not have experience with an on campus garden, but I think this is a really cool idea! I agree it would be a great alternative to a field trip. It might take some time/digging, but I'd venture to guess that there are grants available for a project like this.

Taylor Terlson's picture

This is a fantastic idea. This would be an excellent project to get your students involved with.

Kris Ferrin's picture

I have not been involved in a project like that at school, but what a great idea.  I hope you get some suggestions.  It sounds like this M.I.L.E.S. project has inspired you to think about a good project for your school in Pocatello  I know where it is located because I was born in Pocatello and we lived by it before my family moved to Idaho Falls.  This idea would thrill all of your students and bring lots of learning experiences for them.  Glad to see you enjoyed the week.  Good luck with your project.